Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Moll Flanders

Short Summary of Moll Flanders Moll Flanders is the pseudonym of the heroine of this novel: since she is wanted by the law, she does not wish to reveal her true identity. She was born in Newgate Prison to a mother who was transported to Virginia shortly afterwards for theft, leaving her helpless. Around the age of three she ran away from some gypsies with whom she had apparently been living. A parish took her in and she was given to the care of a nurse, who brought her up to the age of eight. Then she was supposed to go into service, but didn't want to and was allowed to remain with her nurse instead, sewing and spinning. When her nurse died when she was 14 or so, she became a maid-servant in the household of the Mayor, and learned the same lessons as the daughters of the house. The older son of the house seduced her with compliments and money, and they were lovers. Then the younger one fell in love with her also, and wanted to marry her, not being aware of her relationship with his brother. The older one convinced the unwilling girl to marry the younger one, and she lived as his wife until his death a few years later. His parents took charge of the two children from the marriage. Moll then married a gentleman-draper, that is, a tradesman with fine manners. He was agreeable, but spent her money and soon went bankrupt. He broke out of jail and left the country, leaving Moll free to marry again, though perhaps not legally. After a period of time in which Moll helped a friend of hers to regain and humble a disdainful lover, she married a gentleman from Virginia, pretending to be richer than she was, though never saying so outright. He took the discovery of her poverty pretty well, and they went to Virginia. There she met his mother, a former transported convict, who unhappily turned out to be her mother as well. This discovery made Moll leave her brother/husband and children after several years of marriage: after some negotiation... Free Essays on Moll Flanders Free Essays on Moll Flanders Short Summary of Moll Flanders Moll Flanders is the pseudonym of the heroine of this novel: since she is wanted by the law, she does not wish to reveal her true identity. She was born in Newgate Prison to a mother who was transported to Virginia shortly afterwards for theft, leaving her helpless. Around the age of three she ran away from some gypsies with whom she had apparently been living. A parish took her in and she was given to the care of a nurse, who brought her up to the age of eight. Then she was supposed to go into service, but didn't want to and was allowed to remain with her nurse instead, sewing and spinning. When her nurse died when she was 14 or so, she became a maid-servant in the household of the Mayor, and learned the same lessons as the daughters of the house. The older son of the house seduced her with compliments and money, and they were lovers. Then the younger one fell in love with her also, and wanted to marry her, not being aware of her relationship with his brother. The older one convinced the unwilling girl to marry the younger one, and she lived as his wife until his death a few years later. His parents took charge of the two children from the marriage. Moll then married a gentleman-draper, that is, a tradesman with fine manners. He was agreeable, but spent her money and soon went bankrupt. He broke out of jail and left the country, leaving Moll free to marry again, though perhaps not legally. After a period of time in which Moll helped a friend of hers to regain and humble a disdainful lover, she married a gentleman from Virginia, pretending to be richer than she was, though never saying so outright. He took the discovery of her poverty pretty well, and they went to Virginia. There she met his mother, a former transported convict, who unhappily turned out to be her mother as well. This discovery made Moll leave her brother/husband and children after several years of marriage: after some negotiation...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Qu preguntan en la entrevista de visa de novios (K-1)

Qu preguntan en la entrevista de visa de novios (K-1) La entrevista para la visa de novios K-1 es un paso fundamental que en buena parte determina su aprobacià ³n negacià ³n de este tipo de visa. La entrevista tiene lugar en una embajada o consulado de los Estados Unidos y es un requisito obligatorio para el novio o la prometida de un ciudadano estadounidense para el que se pide la visa K-1. Solo despuà ©s podr ver estampado su pasaporte con la visa que le autoriza a ingresar a los Estados Unidos. Una vez en el paà ­s deber casarse con el ciudadano que le patrocinà ³ en el plazo mximo de 90 dà ­as e iniciar un proceso de ajuste de estatus, para asà ­ completar la tramitacià ³n de la tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Este artà ­culo contiene informacià ³n sobre preguntas que generalmente los oficiales consulares realizan a los prometidos de ciudadanos. No tienen por quà © ser iguales, pero son de ese tipo y buscan lo mismo: asegurarse de que la relacià ³n entre los novios es verdadera y no se trata de un fraude para ingresar asà ­ a los Estados Unidos y obtener los papeles.   Asimismo, se aclaran los requisitos de entrevista para los nià ±os para los que se solicita una visa K-2. Ejemplos de preguntas para la visa de novios K-1 Los dos novios tiene que presentarse, el dà ­a y a la hora que se les cite, en el consulado al que corresponda tramitar este tipo de documentos en el lugar en el que vive el prometido o prometida extranjero. Entre las preguntas que puede es comà ºn que se realicen destacan: Preguntas sobre la relacià ³n Cà ³mo se conocieron, cundo y dà ³nde.Por quà © desean contraer matrimonio y que el novio/a extranjero/a se mude a Estados Unidos y cules son los planes una vez se encuentre allà ­.Si quieren tener hijos.Quà © aficiones, hobbies, tienen en comà ºn y que disfrutan de hacer conjuntamente.Cà ³mo solucionan las peleas de novios.Quà © es lo que ms gusta del novio/a ¿Cà ³mo fue la proposicià ³n de matrimonio? ¿Hubo fiesta de compromiso o pedida formal de mano?Preguntas sobre el novio/a americano del tipo de cundo es su cumpleaà ±os, dà ³nde ha vivido, dà ³nde nacià ³, en quà © consiste su trabajo, etc. ¿Se ha estado previamente en Estados Unidos? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, se puede preguntar por cunto tiempo y con quà © tipo de visa.Si los prometidos no comparten la misma religià ³n, es posible que se pregunte sobre cà ³mo se resolverà ­an las diferencias ocasionadas por las diferentes creencias.Preguntas sobre la familia del novio/a americano del tipo:  ¿cun tos hermanos tiene?  ¿Dà ³nde viven sus padres?Si no se comunican fluidamente en el mismo idioma, esto tambià ©n ser probablemente objeto de preguntas. Cundo fue la à ºltima vez que se vieron los novios en persona. Preguntas sobre los planes de boda  ¿Se ha reservado ya el lugar del banquete? ¿Cundo se va a celebrar? ¿Quià ©nes son los invitados? ¿Puedo ver alguna tarjeta de invitacià ³n a la boda o alguna prueba de los planes que se estn haciendo para la celebracià ³n del matrimonio? Y es que es muy importante insistir en que la boda tiene que celebrarse antes de que transcurran 90 dà ­as a contar desde el momento de ingreso a Estados Unidos con una visa K-1. Si no hay matrimonio con la persona que patrocinà ³ la visa, la persona extranjera tiene que salir de los Estados Unidos. Ninguna pregunta es particularmente extraà ±a. Siempre y cuando se trate de dos novios de verdad generalmente no hay mayores problemas para responder a las preguntas del oficial consular que conduce la entrevista. Reglas para la entrevista para los solicitantes de una visa K-2 Los K-2 son los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona para la que se pide la K-1 de prometido.   No hay reglas fijas que regulen la entrevista. Y asà ­, depende de las normas internas de cada consulado decidir si se entrevista a los nià ±os o no. Por regla general puede decirse que los mayores son entrevistados y los ms pequeà ±os no. Si hay entrevista las preguntas ms comunes tratan de averiguar si el nià ±o conoce al ciudadano americano que se va a convertir en su madrastra o padrastro y cules fueron las circunstancias y preguntas semejantes. La visa K-2 se pide para hijos biolà ³gicos, adoptivos o hijastros de personas para las que se solicita la visa K-1. Pero es imprescindible que la persona que es la K-1 tenga custodia legal de esos nià ±os y, si la comparte, tenga el permiso del otro progenitor para sacar los nià ±os del paà ­s de su paà ­s de residencia y llevrselos a vivir a los Estados Unidos.   Quià ©n toma la decisià ³n de conceder o rechazar la visa K-1 y K-2 El oficial del consulado que tramita la visa tiene la palabra final sobre la aprobacià ³n del mismo. Puede negarla por mà ºltiples razones. Por ejemplo, si cree que la relacià ³n es fraudulenta y su à ºnico fin es obtener los papeles. Otra causa es que el ciudadano patrocinador no tiene ingresos suficientes para mantener a su novio. Y otra razà ³n puede ser que la persona para la que se piden los papeles sea inadmisible. Es decir, que no pueda obtener la tarjeta de residencia. Quià ©n puede solicitar la visa de novios Recordar que esta visa, tambià ©n conocida como de prometido, sà ³lo la pueden solicitar los ciudadanos americanos para sus parejas para que à ©stas puedan viajar a Estados Unidos con la finalidad de contraer matrimonio en los 90 dà ­as siguientes a su ingreso al paà ­s.   Es decir, los residentes permanentes legales no pueden pedir a sus novios, ya que las categorà ­as de personas para las que pueden pedir los papeles es mucho ms limitada que la que existe para los ciudadanos. Recordar que dentro del tà ©rmino ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos est incluida la categorà ­a de puertorriqueà ±os. Adems, resaltar que esta visa la pueden solicitar los estadounidenses para sus parejas de otro sexo, es decir, las heterosexuales, pero que tambià ©n pueden pedirlas gays, lesbianas, bisexuales y transexuales para contraer matrimonio con una persona de su mismo sexo. Consejo y alternativas a la visa K-1 No hay porquà © estar nervioso ante la entrevista. Si la relacià ³n es verdadera lo ms probable es que los novios sepan quà © contestar a cada una de las preguntas. En todo caso, puede ser aconsejable repasar conjuntamente las respuestas a las preguntas ms comunes. En cuanto a las alternativas a la K-1 la que se le ocurre a mayor nà ºmero de personas es la de ingresar a Estados Unidos con visa de turista y despuà ©s casarse. Esto no est prohibido pero puede dar lugar a muchos problemas migratorios si la intencià ³n es quedarse en el paà ­s y arreglar los papeles. Por otro lado, si la pareja est ya casada legalmente, aunque el matrimonio se hubiera celebrado fuera de Estados Unidos, los ciudadanos siempre pueden realizar una peticià ³n de residencia por matrimonio o, en casos ms excepcionales, solicitar una visa K-3 para su cà ³nyuge. Finalmente, tener en cuenta los problemas que pueden surgir si el ciudadano que quiere una green card su pareja no ha residido recientemente en los Estados Unidos.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Strategic Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management - Research Paper Example Strategic management plays a significant role in the growth and competitiveness of any organisation. British Airways in order to maintain its competitiveness in the existing contemporary global business environment requires identifying the need for strategic change. In order to successfully cope up with the changing global environment as well as consumer demand, an organisation like British Airways requires assessing their external environmental factors. In the process of undertaking organisational change, the support and constructive approach of the management plays a key part. Thus, in order to sustain its position in among the tough competitive global market BA requires performing and managing changes according to the need of the hour. Therefore, the study will look to evaluate need for strategic change for British Airways and the method by which the organisation should look to realign with respect to its external environment. ... pects which can be recognized for BA in the process of strategic change are the need for providing customer satisfaction which had seen a decline and also make substantial technological advancements which will enable them to attract as well as retain consumers. This overall strategic change can also aid BA to enhance overall experience of the customers. In the airline sector, the customer retention is one of the major aspects. With the advent of so many low-fare airlines along with the need for providing high level of safety and security, the people process strategy and technological advancements have become inseparable components for any airline organisation (Quy, 2011). The strategic management objectives for BA in the past market few years have been to become the ‘world’s leading global premium airline’. In order to make their cost base more efficient and to provide unparallel customer service they need to constantly evaluate the present scenario and look for a ny possible opportunity (British Airways, 2010). Despite their endeavor and prospects of growth and sustainability BA require to be always on their toes due to the existing complexities in their operations. The airline industry globally as well as in the UK is highly competitive. By referring to Michael Porter’s five forces model it can be observed that the barriers to entry in the industry is quite high. Therefore, the existing players in the market have been able to sustain their position in the market. The other significant aspects that compel BA to undertake strategic change includes government regulations, availability of funding from the designated financial markets, terrorism, pandemics and others. The aspects related to mergers and acquisitions among the competitors can also force BA to

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Detail the main power centres around the Mediterranean Sea through the Essay

Detail the main power centres around the Mediterranean Sea through the ages and explain why they fell - Essay Example However, despite the notable developments from these powers, they finally fell following several reasons such as corruption, inequality and civil wars. Others did not last long because they had ineffective leaders who had little knowledge on governance hence a downturn to economic prosperity. There are different main power centers around the Mediterranean Sea through the ages and the underlying reasons why they fell. For instance, there were the Egyptians who had the first knowledge of architecture, building and a combination of painting and sculpture. The Egyptians’ formulation of the techniques begun around 3000 B.C. This includes the establishment of a pyramid of the sovereign before the takeover of the throne. However, in painting, there was a different technique called monumental treatment that was accorded to designs using many colors (Fromkin 89). In the same breadth, there was also rapid development through stylistic conformities that have presently been characteristic of the art of the Egyptians through history. Another main power center around the Mediterranean Sea was the Phoenicians who had success as early as around 1200 B.C. It is during this period that their level of activity rose and there was also the proliferation of colonizers, explorers, and even remarkable traders. All these groups of ancient professionals created settlements in various parts of the Mediterranean Sea to the advantage of the locals in the area (Tames 145). Similarly, this group took credit for discovering the alphabet that later had the modification of the Greeks in terms of symbols use for sounds. Additionally, the discovery of the alphabet by the Phoenicians led to the replacement of hieroglyphics and cuneiforms hence propelling major advancement. The same period during the majestic reign of the Phoenicians is when there was colonization of areas such as Italy, Sicily, North Africa and Asia Minot by the Greeks. On the other hand, another formidable group to settle around the Mediterranean Sea entails the Hebrews who were a small nation in comparison to the rest. It is observed that after they had arrived to the Land of Promise meaning Canaan after nearly 4000 years, the Hebrews developed a flourishing state. This achievement was, however, notable in religion whereby the Bible turned to be a valuable mark especially to the Western civilization (Fromkin 90). Furthermore, because of their nomadic lifestyle, the Hebrews made a mark in the absorption of other the native civilizations for their advantage. This suggests that an older religion such as Judaism offered fundamental principles to the smaller faiths that included Islam and Christianity. Apart from the above powers, there was also the Island of Cyprus that excelled in excavation processes around 4000-3000 B.C. This group had their influence from the Greece in the ancient era after 1500 B.C. In other words, the Cypriot civilization learnt a lot from the Greeks in terms of cultures and other related religions (Tames 145). However, while the settlement of the Phoenicians around the Mediterranean was noted around the 800 B.C., and later followed by the Egyptians and Assyrians, the Island of Cyprus came late. Alternatively, this gave them a leverage to major in commerce and also become the focal point of the cult of Aphrodite. It is

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Industrial Revolution Essay Example for Free

Industrial Revolution Essay Industrial Revolution is regarded as a very important period in human development which occurred in the period towards the end of the 18th century stretching to the 19th century. Industrial revolution is said to have begun in the United Kingdom and later spread to other parts of the world including the rest of Europe, North America amongst other parts of the world. During this period there were major transformations in the agricultural sector, transportation, and manufacturing among other spheres of life. These changes were to have profound impacts on the social, economic, and cultural life of the people in Britain which was the cradle of the revolution. This paper shall examine the central ways in which the Industrial Revolution changed the western societies. Impacts of the Industrial Revolution The inception of the Revolution is regarded as a crucial turning point in the history of mankind as it led to alterations in virtually every aspect of life. The Revolution started towards the end of the 18th century when there was mechanization of the textile industry, emergence of new iron making skills, and an increase in the utilization of polished coal. There were improvements in the transport network which facilitated exchange of goods and services. Generally, a growth in various industries was witnessed and manual labor was replaced by mechanization which led to increased production . The textile industry was among the first to feel the impacts of the industrial revolution. The invention of the cotton gin in 1794 brought efficiency in separating of cotton seeds from fiber. The discovery of the sewing machine in 1846 further revolutionized the textile industry as the making of clothes moved from homes to industries. Apart from the impacts of the industrialization on the domestic industries, the revolution led to increased productivity in the farms due to mechanization of agriculture. With increased productivity in the farms, industries cropped up and individuals clustered in particular regions working in the industries or engaged in trade. This eventually led to the development of towns and cities . Advancement in technology during this period led to the growth of capitalism as the owners of the means of production grew richer. There was an increase in the economic growth which was due to the new technologies of the industrial revolution as seen in the doubling of the UK’s purchasing power and a rise in the total national income during the 19th to 20th century . The revolution also brought about changes in the country’s political structures in Britain as capitalists begun replacing the land owners of the agrarian period to become influential in the country’s economic and power structure. There were also alterations in the working conditions as factories provided the workers with poor working conditions. These included poor ventilations, overcrowding, child labor was on the rise, and individuals were poorly paid and worked under dangerous and unsafe environments . The laborers were paid less wages that led to development of slums since they could hardly afford decent housing. The workers were generally working under extreme conditions which forced the government of the day to pass legislations that would govern the interests of the workers. The workers also initiated efforts that resulted in the creation of trade unions which agitated for their interests . The Industrial Revolution also led to developments in the transport and communication sector. Several inventions led to the efficiency in this sector as road networks were improved, water transport boosted through the invention of steam engines, and communication made easier especially with the discovery of telegraphic machines. Railway transport was also developed and this eased the transport of bulk goods, products, and raw materials to the industries . Conclusion There is no doubt that industrial revolution was a defining moment in human history. There were great advancements and innovations that were aimed at making life more efficient at the same time increasing production. Though the revolution came up with its challenges, it remains to be a crucial part of human history as it totally revolutionized the world into a new order.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Creative Story: Joseph :: essays research papers

Creative Story: Joseph I remember back in a church I used to live in this kid named Joseph. The year was, oh, I say 1935-36. He was such a delightful laid back kid when I first met him, He was always by himself playing jumping jacks and other games in which he could play by himself. He did not have to play by himself but he would for some reason always reject our offers that myself and the other kids there made to him. We would ask him if he would want to play tag or hide-and-go-seek but it was as he was mute, ignoring us for no reason. Like a year later I learned that his parents had abandoned him at the step, of the church in which we all stayed, when he was only five years of age. Joey never talked about his parents, it was like he was still mad at them. He never understood that his parents were poor and could not carry the burden of taking care of him. His parents thought they were doing the right thing by dropping him off at this church which was SUPPOSED to take care of him so that he could grow up with a normal life. In 1936 it was hard growing up in Germany. In the town we lived in there was never peace, the nuns would not tell us that, but we knew we all knew, accept for little Joseph. Nazi's would come in the church and try to teach us their "superior" ways. None of us fell for it, except Joseph. I guess he had no other place to turn to, so he slowly sank into these idiotic ways. About three years later the now 12 years old little boy was a nazi himself and the one of his kind in that church. He still would play by himself. No one liked him anymore and never asked him to play. Instead he would ask us, but now we would refuse. One day in 1939 he got so sick of us "inferior" people in the church so he left. What he did not know and what most of us did not know was that there was a battle just a town away. The nuns never told us about World War II. They always said in the sweetest voice "The world is such a peaceful place." Well, Joseph unknowingly went to this town in search for a new place to live. But stepping into this town was like slitting your wrist.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Nutritious Eating Habits

1/ I think one of the social criticisms of marketing’s impacts on individual consumers is the price. Because of the expensive costs of developing such as â€Å"long lead times, the need to enlist the help of nutritional experts around the world, and the need to develop products that appeal to the local population’s tastes† (598) Vitango and Nutristar have high price that is out of reach of people in those poor target countries such as Botswana and Venezuela. Moreover, fortified products are also criticized for containing large amount of harmful substance such as fat and sugar that could lead to obesity.  For example, high consumption of Nutristar when combined with McDonald can cause health issues to its customers as those products contain a large amount of fat, sugar, salt and cholesterol. 2/ In my opinion, political power is a social criticism of marketing’s impacts on society. Big companies want to promote and protect their interests. As a result, they don’t want to lose profit if they offer the product at a reasonable price, so Coca Cola and P&G want to work with the governments for favorable tax and tariffs. However, either those companies are distrusted or those governments either cannot afford or don’t have sufficient resources to educate their people about fortified food, makes those companies seek for help from non-profit organizations such as GAIN to help lobby for lower tax rates and promote their products by giving those governments money to create more demands. Although fortified food is promoted to deal with deficient nutrient, they cannot completely stop malnutrition; as a result, they create false wants for people in those countries. Through non-profit organization, big companies educate target population about fortifies food and other beverage drinks, but not educating people about nutritious eating habits which is the real needs for those countries. Nutristar sold with McDonald’s happy meals does not help fight nutrition deficient, but it creates worse eating habit with fast food, which can lead to obesity or other health problem. 3/ Products such as Vitango and Nutristar are not considered enlightened marketing.  First, those products ignore societal marketing, they see societal problems such as starvation or political corruption in poor countries as opportunities to promote and sell their products. Instead of educating people in those countries about nutritious food, those companies try to promote their products’ benefits. Vitango and Nutristar are pleasing products which deals temporarily with nutrition deficiency; but in the long run, it can stop malnutrition. When customers depend on supplement products, their interests such as health are affected. In addition, many big companies place its mission in products and profits over broad social terms. In Vitango and Nutristar case; such fortified products is to create an image of the company in order to earn the market and increase profits by selling other products such as snack or juices in the future. 4/ In my opinion, the development and marketing of fortified products are unethical. As discussed above, the development and launching of fortified products are just a small part of a bigger marketing plan. First, those companies try to allure people in poor countries by helping them deal with nutrition deficiency with fortified products, but that is just the base to selling other products. Besides, through non-profit organizations, they educate those people about their products’ values rather than educate them about the need of nutritious eating habits. Secondly, through funding and lobbying with the local governments, those companies can have influence over the market and the governments that could lead to many serious problems in politic. 4/ In my opinion, in order to succeed with product such as Vitango, Coca Cola must consider many factors beside the price. First, in poor countries where malnutrition is a major concern, it must place societal missions ahead by helping non-profit organizations educate people about the needs of nutritious eating. Besides, they should educate people about fortified food as a supplement, not a substitute against nutrition deficiency. Last but not least, Coca Cola has to find a solution for the price problem; they have to adjust the price, so Vitango is purchasable in poor countries. When the product is accepted and well-know, the company can earn a lot of profits without conducting unethical actions. Another thought about the case, although Vitango and Nutristar are criticized because of many ethical issues, I think that is a trade-off. To satisfy stockholder’s expectations, those companies always have to find a way to maximize profits, and that profits have to be traded with some critics. From the corporate viewpoint, those critics may not cost the company a lot, so there is no reason they would not conduct such negligent actions.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Developments between 1860 and 1877 Essay

During the 1860s and the 1870s, Americans faced a social crisis that literally divided the nation to two. Social developments and constitutional changes that occurred within this time frame amounted to a devastating separation of people. The first major crisis, the Civil War, divided the nation sectionally and what ensued afterward, the Reconstruction, divided the nation completely. The Civil War lasted four years, from April of 1861 to April of 1865. It physically separated the nation into two, in which the South seceded from the North. The two sides fought for the struggle over slavery – the South was for it, while the North was against it. The South argued that the North was attempting to limit their rights given to them by the Constitution; their rights to exercise those powers were restrained heavily by the politically dominant North. The North at first made a statement stating that the main purpose of the war was to maintain the Union and to keep the South from breaking apart. However, as the war went on, Lincoln found fighting for these terms was impossible; he knew that the slaves had to be freed. This decision to abolish slavery stirred up controversy in the Union, for many white men, while they opposed slavery, did not like the idea that they were fighting for African-Americans. Many riots erupted from many Union states come draft day, clearly showing the unsettlement and dissatisfaction that Americans had with the idea of freeing slaves. The North not only had to deal with the South, but also with themselves. Following the Civil War, a period of time known as the Reconstruction came into effect. This was the time where the North attempted to rebuild the South and the time for the South to settle their differences and get over bitter feelings of losing the war. However, despite its good intentions, the Reconstruction was generally considered a failure by most historians. The Reconstruction was led by a certain group of Republicans known as the Radicals. These Radical Republicans wanted the South to pay for the financial cost of the war; they argued that the war was fought over differences initiated by the South, therefore the South was to pay for its cost. They did exactly what their name suggests: they enacted many radical laws, such as the 14th Amendment, which gave all people [except Native  Indians] in the United States citizenship, regardless of race. The 15th Amendment too was set into motion, guaranteeing all citizens suffrage. This allowed the former slaves to now vote for political candidates, giving them a say in the government. The South despised this idea; many conservatives began acts of terror to keep the African-Americans from voting. The most prominent group of white supremacists was the Ku Klux Klan, which utilized violence to scare African-Americans and to resist the Reconstruction. Aggression erupted throughout the nation as a result from the discontent over the issue of slavery and the rights of Africans. The United States was literally torn apart during the Civil War, as brothers fought one another and deaths piled up. Conditions further worsened during the Reconstruction, when the North refused to forgive the South and the South refused to apologize to the North. Violence became the only answer for many Americans during the late-19th century.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

history of women essays

history of women essays Truman Capote, one of America's more colorful literary personalities, was born in New Orleans in 1924 and died in California in 1984. He wrote both fiction and non-fiction short stories, novels and novellas, travel writing, profiles, reportage, memoirs, plays and films. His work of fiction that is probably most well-known (although not many people know that Capote wrote it) is the novella Breakfast at Tiffany's. What I am most interested in, however, is his masterpiece, In Cold Blood. This "nonfiction novel" spawned a whole new genre of writing. It has been called literary journalism and creative nonfiction. In the small mid-western town of Holcomb, Kansas, a family is murdered. Capote sees the write-up in the paper and decides to visit the town and find out what happened. He begins his research before the murderers are captured. He is there when they are brought in to jail. He lives in the town; he gains the trust of the townspeople and the murderers. At least enough trust so that they speak candidly in front of him (he has a little help from his childhood friend, Harper Lee [author of To Kill a Mockingbird], who also interviews townspeople). The book was a commercial success, but Capote was never the same after. He spent six years of his life on this project, and much of it was harrowing. While imprisoned, Perry and Dick considered him a true friend and wanted his help to get a pardon. Capote felt torn by his affections for the two and by the knowledge of the horrific murders they had committed. Another question Capote may have asked was "What next?" It's always hard to follow a success because of expectations. Too, Capote never felt the "literary world" gave him credit for inventing a new form of writing, and he was definitely bitter about that. In any case, the whole experience seemed to have left Capote with a void inside. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

What You Need to Know About MBA Application Deadlines

What You Need to Know About MBA Application Deadlines An MBA application deadline signifies the last day that a business school is accepting applications for an upcoming MBA program. Most schools will not even look at an application that is submitted after this date, so it is really important to get your application materials in before the deadline. In this article, were going to take a closer look at MBA applications deadlines to determine what they mean for you as an individual. Youll learn about the types of admissions and discover how your timing can impact your chances of getting accepted business school. When Is the Deadline for Submitting an MBA Application? There is no such thing as a uniform MBA application deadline. In other words, every school has a different deadline. MBA deadlines can also vary by program. For example, a business school that has a full-time MBA program, an executive MBA program, and an evening and weekend MBA program may have three different application deadlines - one for every program that they have. There are lots of different websites that publish MBA application deadlines, but the best way to learn about the deadline for the program you are applying to is to visit the schools website. That way, you can ensure the date is completely accurate. You dont want to miss a deadline because someone made a typo on their website! Types of Admissions When youre applying to a business program, there are three basic types of admissions that you might encounter: Open AdmissionsRolling AdmissionsRound Admissions Lets explore each of these admissions types in more detail below. Open Admissions Although policies can vary by school, some schools with open admissions (also known as open enrollment) admit everyone that meets the admission requirements and has the money to pay the tuition. For example, if the admissions requirements dictate that you have a bachelors degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution (or the equivalent) and the capacity to study at the graduate level, and you meet these requirements, you will most likely be admitted into the program as long as space is available. If space is not available, you may be waitlisted. Schools with open admissions rarely have application deadlines. In other words, you can apply and get accepted at any time. Open admissions are the most relaxed form of admissions and the one most rarely seen at graduate business schools. Most of the schools that have open admissions are online schools or undergraduate colleges and universities. Rolling Admissions Schools that have a rolling admissions policy usually have a large application window - sometimes as long as six or seven months. Rolling admissions are commonly used for freshmen at undergraduate universities and colleges, but this form of admissions is also heavily used by law schools. Certain graduate-level business schools, such as Columbia Business School, also have rolling admissions. Some business schools that use rolling admissions have what is known as an early decision deadline. This means that you have to submit your application by a certain date to get an early acceptance. For example, if you are applying to a school with rolling admissions, there may be two application deadlines: an early decision deadline and a final deadline. So, if you are hoping to get accepted early on, you have to apply by the early decision deadline. Although policies vary, you may be required to withdraw your application from other business schools if you accept an early decision offer of admission that is extended to you. Round Admissions Most business schools, especially selective business schools like Harvard Business School, Yale School of Management, and Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, have three application deadlines for full-time MBA programs. Some schools have as many as four. Multiple deadlines are known as rounds. You could apply to the program in round one, round two, or round three.   Round admissions deadlines vary by school. The earliest deadlines for round one are typically in September and October. But you shouldnt expect to hear back right away if you do apply in the earliest round. Admissions decisions often take two to three months, so you could submit your application in September or October but not hear back until November or December. Round two deadlines often range from December to January, and round three deadlines are frequently in January, February, and March, though all of these deadlines can vary by school. The Best Time to Apply to Business School Whether youre applying to a school with rolling admissions or round admissions, a good rule of thumb is to apply early in the process. Assembling all of the materials for an MBA application can take time. You dont want to underestimate how long it will take you to prepare your application and miss a deadline. Even worse, you dont want to slop something together quickly to make a deadline and then get rejected because your application was not competitive enough.   Applying early has other advantages as well. For example, some business schools choose the majority of the incoming MBA class from applications received in round one or round two, so if you wait until round three to apply, the competition will be even stiffer, thus decreasing your chances of getting accepted. Furthermore, if you apply in round one or round two and get rejected, you still have an opportunity to improve your application and apply to other schools before their round three deadlines have ended. A few other considerations that may be important depending on your individual situation: International applicants: As an international student, you often need a student visa (either an F-1 or J-1 visa) to study in the United States. Youll want to apply in round one or round two if possible to give yourself enough time to get this visa before the actual program starts.Dual degree program applicants: If you are applying to an MBA/JD program or another dual or joint degree program, youll want to pay particularly close attention to the deadlines. Some business schools, even those with three rounds, require applicants to apply for dual degree programs in round one or round two.Submatriculation applicants: If you are an undergraduate who is attending a business school that allows qualified juniors to apply for early entry (Submatriculation) to the schools MBA program, you may want to utilize a different application strategy than the average MBA applicant. Rather than applying early (like most applicants would), you may want to consider waiting until round three so that you hav e a more complete academic record when you submit your transcripts and other application materials. Reapplying to Business School Business school admissions are competitive, and not everyone gets accepted the first year that they apply to an MBA program. Since most schools will not accept a second application in a single year, you typically have to wait until the next academic year to re-apply. This is not as uncommon as many people think it is. The Wharton School at the Universality of Pennsylvania reports on their website that up to 10 percent of their applicant pool consists of reapplications in most years. If you are re-applying to business school, you should make an effort to improve your application and demonstrate growth. You should also apply early in the process in round one or round two (or at the start of a rolling admissions process) to increase your chances of getting accepted.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Student Testing in Elementary Schools in America Essay

Student Testing in Elementary Schools in America - Essay Example The curriculum as of today is far ahead of what the school system was earlier. From learning by rote, now the child is allowed more interaction and freedom to gain knowledge from sources other than the school. The curriculum guides and text books are chosen today by the state and they reflect the State's learning standard and benchmarks for a given grade level. To gauge the progress of a child, there are tests to determine the adequate yearly progress which have to fulfill certain standardized goals by which States and school districts assess the child's progress academically.( Armstrong Thomas, 1987) When there are about twenty or thirty children of diverse learning needs in a class, the academic strengths and weaknesses of a child are most evident during tests. This is referred to as MAP or measures of academic progress. Tests are not an absolute indication of the child's progress or capacity for knowledge. The scoring process is a comparison of the child's responses with his or her peers. Instead of providing a statistical comparison of the child's abilities, it would be better to focus on the level of the skills that the child has acquired, instead of assessing the results of a child's test with a checklist of skills that are expected in a particular grade (Chris Shera, 2007). It is during interpretative question tests that disconnect between classroom activities and results in the end of grade tests required, is evident. Students are not empowered to study anything outside the requisite classroom curriculum. The program needs a balanced literary approach to maximize the child's ability to view tests in positive (Kosar, 2005) fashion. Then an improvement will be seen in the standardized reading and language test scores. The downside of testing : It is important to know that test results can go wrong for a variety of reasons. We can actually question the validity of the entire test result for many reasons. Some of these are elucidated below. 1. Most tests reward experience (Dunn, Rita and Dunn Kenneth, 1978). A child who has had repeated practice at a certain skill will naturally do it with a lot more ease than a child who has not had the benefit of frequent opportunities to do the same . 2. Children from cultural and socio economic minority groups are prone to poor performance on tests for the simple reason that the child may not relate to the subject comprehensively. For example, a child who does not speak English at home does not automatically think in that language and hence suffers when he is supposed to understand the nuances of a subject taught in English. 3. Children can be intimidated by the very prospect of a test at a younger age. The child's performance can suffer due to just the thought of doing a test. 4. Some children are not clued into writing within a particular time frame- especially in elementary schools - and dawdle over the test without finishing it. This does not mean that the child does not know the answer. 5. Some deterrents to academic progress could be a host of conditions that disrupt the normal learning process. These could range from language disorders, learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and